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How to Prevent Ticks?

How to Prevent Ticks?

Ticks are common in Arkansas, meaning tick-borne disease is a very real concern. While most common in the summer, they’re possible year-round. The easiest way to prevent tick borne disease is, well, not be bitten. While there’s not a lot that can be done once you’ve...
How to Prevent Ticks?

What to Do if I Have a Tick?

Hiking through the Arkansas woods you return home to find a bloodsucking little insect the size of a seed attached to your arm.  Don’t panic.  While ticks can carry harmful disease, it’s important to remember not all ticks carry disease. Here’s a list of common ticks...
How to Prevent Ticks?

Are Ticks in Arkansas Dangerous?

Ticks. Bloodsucking little insects that can pass on harmful diseases. Most abundant April through September (though possible year round) in Arkansas, these parasitic little pests are often found waiting in wooded areas or for their next meal – including humans...